Veil Nebula

Here is a larger version (1344x990 pixels).

Two-color picture assembled from narrow-band Ha and OIII images using an approach inspired by Steve Cannistra's bicolor technique. Star sizes reduced by resampling the image 2x, applying aminimum filter, and downsampling it to the original resolution.

Camera Starlight Xpress SXV-H9 CCD camera
Lens Minolta 2.8/135 mm (@ f/4),
mounted with a home-made adapter
Filter Astronomik Ha and OIII filter
Mount Losmandy G-11
Guiding manual
Date 2005 Oct. 08
Exposure Ha and OIII: 3x20 min each
Site Schöbendorf, Brandenburg, Germany
Processing Bias, dark frame, flat field correction, registration and digital development: IRAF; post-processing: Gimp

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